- Chào các bạn, chuyện là vầy mình thấy có rất nhiều bạn login vào link contact 751 mà nó không hiện ô mail cho các bạn điền mail ?. Thì ở đây mình có 1 đoạn code làm cho nó hiện ra ô mail nhé !

- Link Contact 751: https://www.facebook.com/help/contact/1062444770553751

- Demo khi chưa nhập code:
- Demo khi nhập code:

- Code:

<form rel="async" id="SupportForm1062444770553751" action="/ajax/help/contact/submit/page" method="post" onsubmit="return window.Event &amp;&amp; Event._inlineSubmit &amp;&amp; Event.__inlineSubmit(this,event)"><input type="hidden" name="fb_dtsg" value="m1yxr8/xJ/E=" autocomplete="off"><div class="_4-u2 _3ban _4-u8"><div class="_4-u3 _2ph _57d8"><h2 class="_5xm_">Regain access to your Facebook account</h2></div><div class="_4-u3 _2pi0"><div class="_5cb_" id="u_0_5"><div class="mbl"><div class="mtm">If you believe your account was disabled by mistake, please enter the following information so we can take a look.</div></div><div class="_5hba"><div class="_sx7" id="SupportFormRow.104206806375428"><div class="mbs"><label for="u_0_1"><div class="_3-94 _50f8 _50f7"></div><div class="fsm fwn fcg"></div></label></div><div class="paragraphWidth" id="u_0_1"> Please fill out this form in order for us to take a look at your Facebook account and help you regain access to it. <a href="/help/865579263617904">Learn more</a> about why you're being asked to give us this information. </div><div class="mts" id="FieldErrorSection104206806375428"></div></div><div class="_sx7" id="SupportFormRow.707360896076073"><div class="mbs"><label for="707360896076073"><div class="_3-94 _50f8 _50f7">Email or mobile number associated with your account</div><div class="fsm fwn fcg">Please enter the email address or mobile phone number you use to log in</div></label></div><input type="text" class="inputtext" name="Field707360896076073" id="707360896076073" value="" placeholder="" required="1" aria-required="true"><div class="mts" id="FieldErrorSection707360896076073"></div></div><div class="_sx7" id="SupportFormRow.312223305457409"><div class="mbs"><label for="312223305457409"><div class="_3-94 _50f8 _50f7">Your full name</div><div class="fsm fwn fcg">Please enter your name as it's listed on the account</div></label></div><input type="text" class="inputtext _55r1" name="full_name" id="312223305457409" value="" placeholder="" required="1" aria-required="true"><div class="mts" id="FieldErrorSection312223305457409"></div></div><div class="_sx7" id="SupportFormRow.138761369560522"><div class="mbs"><label for="138761369560522"><div class="_3-94 _50f8 _50f7">Additional info</div><div class="fsm fwn fcg">Is there anything else you'd like us to know?</div></label></div><textarea title="Optional" name="comments" cols="54" rows="3" id="138761369560522" placeholder="Optional"></textarea><div class="mts" id="FieldErrorSection138761369560522"></div></div><input type="hidden" value="1062444770553751" name="support_form_id"><input type="hidden" id="support_form_1062444770553751_hidden_fields" name="support_form_hidden_fields" value="{}"><input type="hidden" id="support_form_1062444770553751_fact_false_fields" name="support_form_fact_false_fields" value="[]"></div></div></div><div class="_4-u3 _2ph- _57d8 _52jw"><button value="1" class="_42ft _4jy0 _4jy4 _4jy1 selected _51sy" type="submit" id="u_0_6">Send</button></div></div></form>
- Các bạn chỉ cần login acc 72h vào facebook, và vào link contact 751, click chuột phải vào ô lấy lại quyền truy cặp, chọn đoạn code có tên:
- Rồi các bạn click chuột phải vào đoạn code đó, chọn Edit as HTML và past đoạn code phía trên vào là hoàn thanh <3
- LINK CONTACT: www.facebook.com/IAm.TruongTanPhat.MKT
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